List of products by brand Chupa Chups

Created in 1958, the famous Spanish brand of lollipops, Chupa Chups is one of our suppliers of lollipops. Often copied, this brand remains the reference for the older and younger children. Find all our sets of Chupa Chups lollipops to buy in bulk in our Lollipops category.

Chupa Chups is a brand of lollipops created in 19582 by Spaniard Enric Bernat, who wanted to create a candy that wouldn't dirty fingers. So he mounted the little ball of sugar on a little stick and named it Chupa Chups ("suck the lollipop"). However, Enric Bernat first named it GOL for its resemblance to a football and the mouth like a goal. But not satisfied with the name, he hired an advertising agency to come up with a catchier name.

The logo was designed by the famous Catalan artist Salvador Dalí in 19693,4,5. The first word "Chupa" comes from the Spanish verb chupar, meaning "to suck", and Chups symbolizes the sound of the lollipop coming out of the mouth.

To market the lollipop, a song was created with the refrain chupa chupa chupa un chups (in French "suce suce suce une chups").

  • Chupa Chups Best Of

    €18.00 €16.20

    The famous classic Chupa Chups lollipop in a big bag - The Best Of bag contains lollipops in mixed flavours: Cola, Strawberry Cream, Strawberry, Cherry, Vanilla, Orange.

    Sold in bulk packaging in a bag of 120 pcs or in a full box of 6 x 120 pcs

    Unperforated cardboard stick

  • Chupa Chups Best Of Bulk

    €159.90 €143.91

    The famous classic Chupa Chups Best Of lollipop in bulk in a big box containing 1,200 lollipops - mixed flavours: Apple, cherry, orange and raspberry with vanilla

    Sold in bulk packaging in a box of 1200 pcs.

    Unperforated cardboard stick

  • Chupa Chups Bunch x 14 -10%
    • -10%
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    Chupa Chups Bouquet

    €61.50 €55.35

    Chupa Chups lollipops in a Coloured Bouquet - Flavours: Strawberry, Orange, Apple, Cherry, Watermelon and Lemon - Sold in bulk in a complete box containing 6 bouquets of 19 lollipops (total 114 pcs) + a counter display stand

    Last items in stock
  • Chupa Chups Cola


    Chupa Chups Cola lollipop in 150-piece tubo - Cola and Cola-Lemon lollipop mix.

    Sold in bulk packs of 150 pcs in a tubo or in full cartons of 6 x 150 pcs.

    Last items in stock
  • Chupa Chups Fruit


    Chupa Chups fruit lollipop in 150-piece display - Assorted flavours: strawberry, apple, cherry and orange.

    Sold in bulk packaging in a display of 150 pcs or in a full box of 6 x 150 pcs

    Last items in stock
  • Chupa Chups Lollipop Melody Pops


    Chupa Chups Melody Pops lollipop with whistle. Strawberry-flavoured lollipop - sold in bulk in a display box containing 48 lollipops or in a complete box of 6 x 48 pcs.

  • Chupa Chups Strawberry Love
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    Chupa Chups Strawberry Love


    Strawberry Chupa Chups lollipop in a display of 150 pieces - Mix of Strawberry, Sour Strawberry and Strawberry lollipops and cream

    Sold in bulk packaging in a display of 150 pcs or in a full box of 6 x 150 pcs

    Last items in stock
  • Chupa Chups The Best Of
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    Chupa Chups The Best Of


    Display of 100 individually wrapped Chupa Chups lollipops - Assorted flavors: cola, strawberry milk, cherry, watermelon, orange and strawberry.

    Sold in big packaging with a display of 100 pcs

    Last items in stock
  • Chupa Chups Wheel Display


    Carousel display of 200 individually wrapped Chupa Chups lollipops - Assorted flavors: strawberry, apple, cherry, cola...

    Sold in big packaging with a display of 200 pcs

  • Chupa Chups XXL Bubblegum


    The Chupa Chups soother in XXL version (29 grams) and 2 in 1 - A chewing gum is hidden in the middle!

    Flavors: Cola, Apple, Strawberry with bubble gum strawberry flavor.

    Sold in bulk in a cardboard display of 60 pcs or in a full cardboard box of 6 x 60 pcs.

  • Présentoir Vide Chupa Chups
    • New product

    Empty display Gravity Chupa Chups


    Chupa Chups Gravity lollipop dispenser to fill (sold empty) in plastic - sold by unit

  • Chupa Chups Giant x 4
    • Out of Stock

    Giant Chupa Chups


    Pack of 4 giant Chupa Chups lollipops, each containing 20 lollipops (strawberry or cola) weighing 12g, to present on a cardboard stand.

    Fragile product: delivery on pallet obligatory and the order must weigh more than 30 kg to guarantee delivery in good condition.

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  • Lollipop Powder Crazy Dips Chupa Chups


    Strawberry-flavored in the shape of feet to be dipped in a fizzy powder in a 14g bag sold in bulk in boxes of 24 bags or in a full carton of 12 x 24 pcs.

  • Mini Chupa Chups


    The mini version of the most famous lollipop! While the classic lollipop weighs 12 grams, the mini Chupa Chups weighs 6 grams. It comes in 4 flavours: Orange, Apple, Strawberry and Cola.

    Sold in bulk packaging in a bag of 300 pcs or in a full box of 6 x 300 pcs

  • MINI Chupa Chups Best Of in Bulk

    €140.00 €112.00

    The famous classic lollipop in Mini format - Mini Chupa Chups Best Of in bulk in a big box containing 2000 lollipops - mixed flavours: Apple, cherry, orange and raspberry with vanilla

    Unit purchase price: €0.056

    Sold in bulk packaging in boxes of 2000 pcs.

    Out of Stock
  • Mini Mega Chupa Chups
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    Mini Mega Chupa Chups


    Pack of 6 large Chupa Chups lollipops, each containing 10 lollipops in mixed flavours (strawberry, orange, apple, cherry, watermelon, lemon) 12 gr to be presented on a red plastic stand - size: 28 cm

0 €0.00 HT