List of products by brand Kubli distributes Kubli candies, the French manufacturer created in 1900 in the Paris region. The brand's flagship candies and confectionery are distributed in wholesale and semi-wholesale at wholesale prices on our site, in the category Antique Confectionery

In 1900, Monsieur Jacques KUBLI founded the confiserie in Paris's 13th arrondissement. Here, he produces original, gourmet recipes for confectionery brought back from Switzerland.

For four generations, the KUBLI family has perpetuated the tradition of quality:

  • By rigorous selection of raw materials.
  • By respecting the processing of specialities, in particular pralines made the old-fashioned way.
  • By developing ranges of old-fashioned sweets.

Today, markets Kubli's praline peanuts, berlingots and mini-candies in wholesale and semi-wholesale formats at low retail prices.

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