List of products by brand Mars inc

Mars Incorporated is an American food company and agribusiness group with operations in about 100 countries and annual sales of over $30 billion. The company is headquartered in McLean, Virginia, USA.

There are 2 products.



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Showing 1-2 of 2 item(s)
  • Mars Top 5 Assortment
    Stock Bas

    Mars Top 5 Assortment


    Assortiment top 5 Chocolats - 53 assorted chocolate bars - Sold in bulk in a display box containing 53 pcs

    This display contains :

    - Snickers 12 x 50 gr

    - Twix 12 x 50 gr

    - M&M's peanut 12 x 45 gr

    - Mars 12 x 51 gr

    - Bounty Milk 5 x 57 gr

  • Snickers 32 x 50 gr
    Stock Bas

    Snickers 50 gr


    Box of 40 chocolate bars Snickers - Very thick chocolate bar with caramel and peanut filling - Sold in large packs in a presentation box containing 40 bars of 50 g each.

    Last items in stock
0 €0.00 HT